Lyson Law Group


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Eliasia Fredrick Jacob


Ms. Eliasia Fredrick Jacob is currently a legal Officer at Lyson Law Group. She holds a Bachelor of Laws  Degree (LL.B) from the Iringa University.

She is passionate about legal drafting, corporate governance and security registration and perfection  of documents. She is a natural listener and a thoroughly committed legal personnel.

Ms. Eliasia  is punctual in her assignments and guarantees value for money in the way she performs her assigned tasks, as she continues to hone her skills and acquire knowledge  in her budding legal practice at Lyson Law Group.

Lyson Law Group


Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

Lawrence K. Masha Sr.

Chairman / Partner
Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

Victor Mwakimi

Managing Partner
Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

Ms. Lige James

Administrative Partner
Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

Denis Mtangi

Senior Associate
Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

Mwang’enza Mapembe

Head of Litigation
Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

Catherine Mwingi

Head of Corporate Affairs
Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

Paul Sewe

Head of Business Development
Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

Beatrice Massawe

Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

CPA (T) Anna Mhina

Head of Accounts & Finance
Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

Ibrahim Hemed

Head of ICT
Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

Consolatha Milonge

Front Desk Manager
Eliasia Fredrick Jacob

Athur Phili

Head of Security

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