Lyson Law Group
We Strive to be "A Decimal Ahead"

A full service practice with
a Tanzanian touch

We continue to provide legal solutions for clients with legal issues and whether the wish to do business in Tanzania.

We Strive to be "A Decimal Ahead"

We Understand

We provide accessible and affordable legal service to entrepreneurs, startups and growing companies.

We Strive to be "A Decimal Ahead"

We listen to your needs and
advise accordingly

Our team of expert lawyers can guide you through any legal situation in your personal or business.

We Strive to be "A Decimal Ahead"

We shall stand by you
at all times

We have powerful teams of subject-matter experts ready to tackle complex legal issues.

About The Firm

Lyson Law Group is a full service law firm headquartered in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. With cross-domain specialization that allows us to offer solutions for corporates and individuals, we are a team of legal experts able to solve most complex issues in several disciplines of law.

To be the benchmark for service delivery, always being “a decimal ahead “  of the rest.

To ensure that our clients’ interests are secured in a timely manner, through our firm understanding of the law and the environment that surrounds us.

Lyson Law Group

Our Practice Areas


Our Family Lawyers will be there to listen and assist you with all your legal issues, including but not limited to Adoption, Citizenship, Affiliation of Children, Counselling, Mediation, Litigation...


We believe that the drafting of contracts is not a matter to be taken lightly. A contract written too hastily will inevitably be a source of problems and costly failures which are best avoided


Commercial awareness is key when working with clients to devise tailor-made IP strategies that help drive competitive advantage.


Tax Laws both domestic and international are constantly evolving and our lawyers continuously strive to keep abreast of developments in the field.


Sports are the essential part which makes the vigorous contribution of social life and encourages common good and harmony. However, it is also a noteworthy economic factor with mounting


Disputes and conflict are never welcome, but whether you are involved in full-scale litigation, a formal legal dispute, or simply a breakdown in amicable commercial relations, our litigators can

Lyson Law Group


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