Lyson Law Group


Guidance Note on Change of Ownership, Lease of Licence and Closure of Business by Tier 2 Microfinance Service Providers, 2025.

Guidance Note on Change of Ownership, Lease of Licence and Closure of Business by Tier 2 Microfinance Service Providers, 2025.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12(3) of the Microfinance Act, 2018, the Bankof Tanzania has issued the Guidance Note on change of ownership, lease of licence and closure of business by licenced Microfinance Service Providers, 2025.The main purpose of the guidance note is to outline the regulatory, operational and procedural requisite steps for the orderly closure of tier Two MFIs in Tanzania ensuring stakeholder protection and compliance with the laws.The scope of the guidance note will be all Tier Two MFIs regulated under the Microfinance Act, 2018 and extends to include both voluntary and non voluntary closures.The note reaffirms the role of the BoT as an overseer in the approval and guidance of such closure processes in Tanzania.


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